20-Oct-2018 Lalru Joint Campus Placement Drive organized by Tech Mahindra Limited and Universal Group
21-Aug-2017 S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) Universal Institute of Nursing students aware rural women for Breastfeeding
10-Aug-2017 S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) Universal group organised 'Selfie with tree ‘campaign to increase awareness on plantation drive
03-Aug-2017 S.A.S.Nagar (Mohali) Universal Group of Institutions conferred Educational Excellence Award
11-Jul-2017 S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) Universal Group of Institutions organised Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp
09-Jun-2017 S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) UGI organized National Conference on Innovations & Developments in engineering & management
29-May-2017 S.A.S.Nagar (Mohali) UGI organized week long activities to celebrate International Day for Biological Diversity
13-May-2017 S.A.S.Nagar (Mohali) UGI organized International Nurses Week to thank the superheroes of health care
08-May-2017 S.A.S.Nagar (Mohali) Universal group of Institutions Nursing students aware the residents about health issues, as many as 257 patients checked
28-Apr-2017 S.A.S.Nagar (Mohali) Lamp Lighting & Oath taking Ceremony ANM nursing students organised at UGI
21-Apr-2017 New Delhi Israel Seeks Govt, Pvt Sector Cooperation With Punjab In Agriculture, Dairy Farming, Police Training, Technology Exchange
02-Apr-2017 S.A.S.Nagar (Mohali) UGI organised seminar on Renewable Energy sources and Concrete Technology
09-Mar-2017 S.A.S.Nagar (Mohali) UGI organised self-defence workshop on concluding day of International Women’s Week
07-Mar-2017 S.A.S.Nagar (Mohali) UGI launched the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan with a view to uplift rural India
23-Jan-2017 S.A.S.Nagar (Mohali) UGI organised seminar under Vittiya Saksharta Abhiyaan to aware students about Digital Economy
18-Nov-2016 S.A.S.Nagar (Mohali) 19 Students selected at UGI with the package up to 2.80 Lakh per annum with incentives and perks
11-Nov-2016 S.A.S.Nagar (Mohali) Tech Fest Kick started at UGI, Aavishkaar showcased ingenuity of students