29-Jul-2022 Chandigarh Senior Punjab IAS officer Hussan Lal given warm send off on his superannuation
04-Sep-2021 Chandigarh In a first, punjab inks MOU with amcham india; will facilitate ease of doing business with us companies
27-Jun-2021 Chandigarh Punjab Takes Big Leap In Oxygen Augmentation, 75 PSA lants By July : Vini Mahajan
14-Apr-2021 Chandigarh Punjab stands first in country for Operationalization of Health & Wellness Centres : Balbir Singh Sidhu
10-Apr-2021 Chandigarh Private hospitals to postpone elective surgeries till 30th April for COVID-19 management
17-Mar-2021 Chandigarh Punjab Sets record by generating 9,55,489 e-cards of beneficiaries in 24 days under AB- Sarbat Sehat Bima Yojna: Hussan Lal