A State dinner was hosted in the honour of Chief Justice of Himachal Pradesh High Court, Mr. Justice A.M. Khanwilkar at Peterhoff, last evening.Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh presented Himachal cap, shawl and memento of to Justice Khanwilkar and his wife.
Speaker HP Vidhan Sabha Shri B.B.L. Butail, Irrigation & Public Health Minister Smt. Vidya Stokes, Food, Civil Supply & Consumer Affairs Minister Shri G.S. Bali, Forest Minister Shri Thakur Singh Bharmouri, Industries & IPR Minister Shri Mukesh Agnihotri, Social Justice & Empowerment Minister Dr. Col. Dhani Ram Shandil, Hon’ble Judges of H.P. High Court Mr. Justice Dev Darshan Sud, Mr. Justice Sanjay Karol, Mr. Justice Kuldip Singh, Mr. Justice Rajiv Sharma, Mr. Justice V.K. Sharma and Mr. Justice Dharam Chand Chaudhary, Lokayoukta Shri L.S. Panta, Advocate General Shri Sharwan Dogra, Registrar General Shri. A.C. Dogra, Mayor Shri Sanjay Chauhan, Chief Information Commissioner Shri Bhim Sen, Advisor to Chief Minister Shri T.G. Negi, OSD to CM Shri T.C. Janartha, Acting Chief Secretary Shri P. Mitra, DGP Shri Sanjay Kumar, Principal Secretary (Law) Shri Chirag Bhanu Singh, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Shri V.C. Pharka, Principal Private Secretary to the Chief Minister Shri Subhash Ahluwalia Senior Officers the of Judiciary and Civil Services were present on the occasion.