Kannada superstar Shivrajkumar has extended a personal invitation to Tamil superstars Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan for his daughter's wedding, set to take place here on August 31."Shivrajkumar, along with his wife, personally invited Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan for his daughter's wedding on Sunday. The couple also met other popular Tamil stars and invited them," a source told IANS.He also met and extended invitations to actors Dhanush, Sivakarthikeyan, Prabhu, Prakash Raj, Nasser and Atharva Murali among others.DMK party treasurer M.K. Stalin was also invited.Shivrajkumar's daughter Nirupama, who is a doctor by profession, will wed Dileep, also a doctor. The couple was engaged last August.Meanwhile, Shivrajkumar is currently is busy shooting for Kannada films "Shivalinga" and "Killing Veerappan".