Himachal Pradesh Food and Civil Supplies Minister G.S. Bali on Tuesday urged the central government to implement the National Food Security Act in totality, besides providing more ration at cheaper rates to the targeted population.He raised this demand at a meeting organised here under the chairmanship of union Minister for Food and Consumer Affairs Ram Vilas Paswan.Bali said Himachal was among those few states which have implemented the Food Security Act.He said being a hilly state, Himachal Pradesh was dependent on the central government for food grain and therefore it was necessary to provide more food grain and create more storage and other infrastructural facilities to meet the needs of the state.The minister said: "A population of 33 lakh has been identified under the Food Security Act in the state but so far the central government was providing ration for 700,000 people only which was a matter of great concern."He demanded the state's demand be considered immediately so that maximum population could benefit under the act.