BJP Member of Parliament & Jammu and Kasmir Prabhari Avinash Rai Khanna, alongwith State President Jugal Kishore Sharma, State General Secretary (organization) Ashok Koul and other leaders undertook extensive tour of border areas in Pargwal and Ghadkhaal to take have an on the spot assessment arising out of the firing by Pakistan during the last few days, which have caused deaths and injuries to innocent civilians and made the people to spent restless nights.Khanna addressed a largely attended meeting of the border people at Gharkhaal and later visited the family of Late Chameil Singh in his native village of Pargwal and interacted with the family members inquired of their well being.Khanna also addressed a public gathering at Pargwal and lambasted both central as well as the state governments for not taking the problems of the border people seriously. He said that the UPA’s soft approach towards the Pakistan is resulting into encouragement of Pakistani troops to indulge in unprovoked firing and causing loss of lives and properties.
Jugal Kishore Sharma, in his address, said that the firing from across the border has sent wave of terror among the border people and no one is feeling safe today. He said that despite repeated assurances by the state government to come to the rescue of suffering people, no concrete steps have been taken so far, which is indeed very unfortunate. He said even the assurance by the state government to give rupees 10 lakh and job to the member of family of Chameil Singh has not been fulfilled till date. Khanna, on his return to New Delhi immediately wrote a letter to the Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde giving a detail of his tour and expressing his observations over the prevailing situation at the borders. In his letter, Khanna has mentioned the true picture of the ground situation saying that “ I have recently visited Pargwal, J&K where the Pakistani army / rangers have continued firing from across the border and there was panic among the public, they were in fear to go to their field even some part of border areas, the children are not going to school.
The demand from the public was that the government should take strong steps to stop this firing and further that government should frame a policy to give compensation to the effected people, if some body injured government should bear the treatment expenses of that person, if property is damaged then govt. should also give compensation in this regard, in case any body is killed then also a suitable compensation be given. The people near boarder are living under fear and some of them have been forced to leave their houses.He appealed the Union Home Minister to kindly take the matter on priority and take effective steps so that the border people there are in a position to live peaceful and safe lives.BJP senior leaders including Chander Prakash Ganga, Kavinder Gupta, Sat Sharma (C.A.), Yudhvir Sethi, Karan Singh, Chaman Lal Kanathia, Aseem Gupta, Sukhdev Singh, Daljit Singh and Jai Singh also accompanied Khanna during his tour.