Listening to the problems of the people, Minister for Revenue, Javed Mustafa Mir has said that improving basic facilities of the people is high on the agenda of the present government. He said all out efforts are being made by the Government to provide better road connectivity, clean drinking water, uninterrupted electricity and up-graded educational and health infrastructure to the people of the state, especially living in rural and far off areas.This was stated by the Minister at a Public Darbar held at Charoora, where Deputy Commissioner, Budgam, SDM Chadoora besides senior officers from several departments was present. The people of Chadoora constituency apprised the Minister about their problems mostly pertaining to roads, water and power supply, irrigation, drainage, health and education.
The Minister said that the developmental initiatives taken by the Government across the State will yield good results in near future. “You will observe a perceptible change on ground shortly” said the Minister, and assured people that their all genuine demands would be addressed in a phased manner. He said the infrastructure damaged by the last year’s floods, especially roads and drains, is being reconstructed on war footing basis in affected areas. He asked people to extend full cooperation to executing agencies in implementing the development projects in their areas.Earlier, Mr. Javed visited High School and Middle School Sumerbugh and ordered construction of foot path to make students’ entry easy into school premises during rains and floods. Besides ordering for repairing of Kralpora-Wanbal roads and drainage system in the area, he asked Deputy Commissioner to get Kralpora-Humhama khul cleaned in order to restore water in the khul being used for irrigation purposes.