Cautioning people against anti people policies being pursued by the PDP-BJP Government, Provincial President National Conference Devender Singh Rana on Friday said that peace and development have become biggest causality during the past over two and half months.“The era of peace heralded after turbulent 2010 situation is being bruised by raking up controversies with an avowed objective of creating discord between the regions of Kashmir and Jammu for scoring political points”, Rana said while addressing several interactive sessions here.The Provincial President questioned the country-wide campaign of the visionless government, saying on the one hand Jammu and Kashmir is being showcased as a window of opportunity in respect of tourism and on the other a volatile situation has been promoted that may substantially impact the tourist arrivals during the ongoing peak season. He said the people associated with tourism cum pilgrim trade are deeply worried over obtaining scenario, which is going to have a very adverse impact on economic activities in all the three regions, as tourism has been mainstay for decades together.
Rana said the coalition government has miserably failed on all fronts and referred to anti-youth job policy that galvanised educated unemployed and the political class to oppose it unitedly. “Due to concerted anti New Recruitment Policy campaign, the government has been forced to seek a face saver by referring the issue to Cabinet Sub Committee”, he said while complimented the youth to resist this authoritarian move under the banner of National Conference. He expressed concern over delay in salaries of the employees and retrenchment of to the Anganwadi workers daily wagers. He cautioned the coalition government against confrontational approach, saying this has already started boomeranging.“Unless a well considered move, what has been the motivation in announcing deferment of prestigious Tawi Lake project which antagonized the people of Jammu so much that they came on a confrontational mode”, Mr Rana asked and said this is a deliberate attempt to vitiate atmosphere in order to divert the attention of people from mis-governance and non-deliverance.
He said the PDP-BJP government is conscious that promises made with the people before elections cannot be delivered and therefore they are whiling away time in raking up frivolous issues and inciting passions. He said the public disenchantment has reached peak and it can burst like a volcano unless their urges and aspirations are not met.The Provincial President urged the party cadre to get prepared for meeting the challenge posed by the anti-people policies of the coalition government and said National Conference will perform its legitimate role as a main opposition to safeguard the public interest. “The people cannot be left at the mercy of a government, partners of which are on record having admitted to be North Pole and South Pole”, he said while maintaining that if there is ideological divergence between the two how can there by convergence on the issues pertaining to welfare and progress of the state.Rana lauded efforts of the cadre in highlighting public problems and grievances locally, saying this will make the administration accountable and force the government to deliver.