Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, who is on a five-day visit to Japan, on Tuesday met Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at his office in Tokyo, an official statement said here."During the meeting, the chief minister apprised the Japanese PM on the recent initiatives in the state and explained in detail the growth in Neemrana region," it said.Rajasthan is the only state in India to have a special Japanese Investment Zone, located at Neemrana in Alwar district, around 130 km from Jaipur. The Rajasthan State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation Ltd (RIICO) has earmarked 1,167 acres for the zone, where so far more than 45 Japanese companies, including Daikin, Nissin Brake, Mytex Polymer and Nippon Pipe, have invested Rs.4,200 crore.Raje also invited Abe to visit India and Rajasthan and she requested that Japan become a partner country for the upcoming, Resurgent Rajasthan Partnership Summit, slated to be held in Jaipur in November 2015.According to the statement, Abe said: "India and Japan are friends. Japanese companies are being encouraged to invest overseas and it is likely that Rajasthan too shall see increased investment flow from Japan."
Raje also called on Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yoichi Miyazawa. An MoU on mutual cooperation, especially in the areas of investment promotion, was signed with the ministry.The chief minister also met the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) chief Hiroshi Watanabe, who showed interest in water sector projects, and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) chairman Hiroyuki Ishige, who assured her of continued support in promoting Rajasthan as an investment destination among Japanese corporates.In a meeting with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) president Hideaki Domichi, Raje outlined areas where Rajasthan could look at support from JICA. These included sanitation for women, lake rehabilitation/conservation and water logging problems in canal areas.She also discussed how JICA could be a partner in Phase II of the Jaipur Metro and in minor and medium irrigation projects.According to the statement, several MoUs were also signed with industries and industrial associations.