Renowned Urdu lyricist and poet 71-years-old Mr Sardar Anjum, who had undergone knee-below amputation due to diabetic foot at Fortis Hospital Mohali, today called upon the fellow diabetics to save their foot lest they would have to undergo amputation like him.Addressing media persons here today with poet Padma Bhushan awardee Anjum Sardar, Dr Ravul Jindal, Director – Vascular Surgery, said that Sardar was admitted to the hospital on March _, 2015 with diabetic foot and septicemia. He had gangrene in toes and angioplasty was done to improve blood supply in veins of the leg. However, the infection continued to progress and as a result, below knee amputation of left foot had to be done on March _, 2015. He also presented with kidney failure, which is now improving. He has been diabetic since _.
Anjum was honored with the Padma Bhushan Award in 2005 Citation Literature and Education, Padma Shri Award (1991), The Millennium Peace Award. In 2000, former first lady of US Hillary Clinton presented The Millennium Peace Award to Anjum on behalf of International Peace Foundation of New York.Asking diabetics to remain extra cautious about their foot care Anjum said that diabetics should regularly visit their doctors, maintain their blood sugar levels, have plenty of fluids and healthy fluid and should exercise daily.
Meanwhile Dr Ravul Jindal said that new technologies and early intervention can prevent limb amputation in diabetic patients. He added that diabetic foot care is one of the most ignored aspects of diabetic care in India. Warning against the conditions that lead to foot amputation, Dr Jindal said that black toes in diabetics may not only be onset of gangrene leading to foot amputation but may also be the knock of heart ailments. He said ignoring blackened toes may not only lead to amputation of foot or leg, but can also cause onset of heart ailment. Amputation due to diabetic foot can be prevented in 90 percent of cases with proper education and timely treatment.In India, 41 million people suffer from diabetes, which will rise to 79 million in 2030. Apart from the high incidence of diabetes, age at which it occurs is the Indian population is a cause of great concern. In India about 40,000 limbs are amputated every year because of diabetes related foot complications.While majority of diabetics in developed countries are 65 years and older, most diabetics in India range between 45 and 65 years of age and approximately 15 percent of diabetics patients suffer from foot problems. Since it is productive age group, disease burden in this age group has huge socio-economic impact.