A State Level Consultation Meet on School Leadership Development Programme was organized today at Himachal Pradesh Institute of Public Administration (HIPA) by the State Project Office (SSA/RMSA) in collaboration with the National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi. The major focus of this meet was to share the National perspective on School leadership for building capacity of school heads besides discussing and sharing the State plan on school leadership. The focus was also to build partnership with institutions and professionals working in the area of school leadership in the State of H.P. The State plan on school leadership was discussed and review / feedback from the educational practitioners was sought.
Presiding over the meeting State Project Director, SSA/RMSA, Shri D.C. Rana said that after achieving the goals of access, enrolment and retention, the focus of the State was on ensuring the quality of education. He said that a effective administration and school leadership were important factors in ensuring the education quality. He also underlined the need to sensitize the school heads to bring achieve desired changes. He thanked the team from NUEPA for supporting the State in improving the quality of education through effective school leadership.The experts from NUEPA, Dr. Rashmi Diwan and Dr. Kashyapi Awasthi, HIPA, Dr. R.K. Sood, Professor and Head DMC, HPU, SCERT, Colleges of education, NGO ‘Save the Children’ also expressed their views. Special Secretary Finance, Shri Rajesh Sharma, who was a special invitee, shared his views on School Leadership and Development.The meeting was attended by about 70 participants, including Deputy Directors, DPO’s, Schools heads and teachers from various levels including School Principals/HM/Lecturer Unions.