The coblation surgery in ENT problems not only ensures blood less and minimally painful surgery, it also means minimal hospitalization for the patient undergoing it, said Dr. Rajat Bhatia; Senior Consultant and head of the department of ENT, Fortis Hospital, Ludhiana while addressing participants of the specially organized hands-on workshop for coblation in ENT at Fortis Hospital today.Comparing coblation with its predecessor laser technique, Dr Rajat said that earlier laser was used to reduce bleeding this but coblation has taken it to next level by even minimizing charring as there is no tissue burning like laser. He added that coblation was a precise tissue removal by plasma wherein surrounding tissues are not injured resulting in faster healing and recovery.The operating faculty at event included Dr. Devender Rai from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi and the guest of honor Prof. Dr. Ashok Gupta PGIMER, Chandigarh.
Dr Rajat explained that the new technology coblation was being used at Fortis Hospital Ludhiana for a while now and has many applications inENT. “We are doing routine ENT surgeries with Endoscopic coblation like adenotonsillectomy, laryngopharyngeal surgeries like removal of valecullar cysts, epiglottis cysts and nasal and sleep apnea surgeries like turbinate reduction,” he added.In the hands-on surgery conducted today, the adenoids and tonsils surgeries were taken up with an aim to educate doctors on this technology, which
Blood is safe for being used in children. “We have a number of children suffering from recurrent episodes of cough and cold. These children do not get proper workup for adenoids and also there is fear related to adenotonsillar surgery as earlier methods of surgery resulted in bleeding and incomplete removal. On the other hand Coblation is precise, exact and has excellent results,” Dr Rajat adds.