On ocassion of Martydom of Guru Teg Bahadur ji, a Punjabi documentary film titled ' Be-insaafi di Dastaan' on Sikh raj and life of last Sikh emperor Maharaja Duleep Singh will be released and screened at Gurdwara Sahib, Phase 9, Mohali on 24th Nov Monday at 8 pm ( Evening) The event was organised by the managing committee of Gurdwara sahib with support of Creative Film Forum, Chandigarh.
Amarjeet Singh is a film maker based in Chandigarh, he done a lot of work on Sikh and Punjab history , which has been conveyed to audience in India and abroad through the films and laser shows. he has traveled to UK, USA, Canada and Europe to arrange the shows of his films and also has participate in many International film festivals. In April 1999 on the occasion of 300 years of Khalsa celebrations he produced and performed World's first ever laser show on Sikh history at Sri Anandpur Sahib. Apart from this he has produced many documentary films on different subjects concerned with Social and cultural subjects. Amarjeet Singh is also member of many film associations and Societies. He has been to UK, USA, Canada and Europe for film assignments and shootings.
This doc-tele film titled ' Be-insaafi di Daastan' ( Pbi. 60 mns) has been produced under my banner of 'Creative Vision Films'. The film is based on the true and tragic life story of the last Sikh emperor Maharaja Duleep Singh, his mother Rani Jind Kaur, also it depicts the story of rise & fall of the Sikh Empire. Duleep Singh was 10 months infant child when Maharaja Ranjit Singh died. Under the leadership of Rani Jind Kaur, her only minor son Duleep Singh was made Emperor at the tender age of 5 yrs, by that time the East India Co. had concurred rest of India except Punjab. Rani Jindan fought two Anglo- Sikh wars to defend the Sikh empire but finally lost at the hands of British East Indian Company, and became a war prisoner.she was sandpapered from her son Duleep Singh , the British converted the young Sikh Maharaja to Christianity, he was sent to UK.. further the story travels how the mother and son fought back to get the Sikh empire , how the Kooh-i-noor was taken away from Duleep Singh and reached to Queen Victoria, how the last Sikh Maharaja struggled through out his life against the atrocities of British regime, how his family was ruined, how he lost all he had, and finally died a very miserable death in Paris in 1893. Finally how the Sikh empire was up rotted by the British regime.. !!
The film was shoot in India and UK on authentic locations, it depicts the real incidents, shows the real monuments, places, manuscripts, and the world famous Kooh-i-noor diamond. The research and script work of Punjabi version has been done by me (Producer / Writer) . Eminent film director P. S, Nirola has directed the film and music notes have been given by Varinder Bachhan. The film has got two versions, English and Punjabi, both the versions have got Censor Certificates. Being a documentary film , no actor has played any key role in the film except its musical part. ''The film is stuffed with historical facts and has been visualized keeping in mind the authenticity of the subject and incident'', concludes the the producer. The members of Creative Vision Films, Producer Amarjeet Singh, director P S Nirola, Voice artist Kulwinder Khanda, actor Amritpal Singh, Camera man Jatinder Sharma , Cordinator Mrs. parminder kaur were also present and were honored by Jaswinder Singh, President of Gurdwara Committee. A large number of sangat ( audience) including prominent personalitis of region came to watch teh premier screening of film and appreciated this effort to preserve the Sikh ans Punjab history through the medium of films by the makers of the film.