R&B Minister Abdul Majid Wani, today, said that both National Conference as well as BJP had been responsible for delayed development in Doda constituency.In a statement he said on one hand, few National Conference leaders had been, till today, conspiring against sustainable and continued development in Doda district, particularly in Doda constituency; on the other hands BJP has been continuously trying to polarize society to nurture its ideology of piding the society for vote bank politics. Few of such opportunist political leaders made attempts during the time when militancy was at its peak; during Amarnath land row and during last parliament elections. But secular culture of people in Doda constituency defeated vicious designs of such opportunist political leaders as had been trying to pide them on lines of religions. People of Doda, in past, have voted for development and this time also people will vote for development only. Addressing a mammoth election rally at village Bharath and various welcome rallies at Bheli Shahi, Golar Morh Dhar, Aul, Dali Morh, Kuluhand and Thava Pounchra, Majid Wani said that every vote in favour of Congress Party candidates in the State will strengthen the roots of communal amity, brotherhood and ensure equal opportunities of growth and development for all sections of the society, irrespective of any consideration of religion, region, caste or colour.
Wani further said that people of Doda constituency could witness aura of unbeatable growth and development of this hilly backward region only after year 2002 when people voted against the then National Conference family representative and got me elected as their representative in the legislative assembly. That time Doda constituency was suffering badly due to lack of basic civil infrastructure as well as problem of militancy. My prime duty was to get peace restored in Doda constituency, maintaining communal harmony among different sections of society, and also to ensure that no innocent youth got trapped either in hands of militants or security forces. Secondly, it was a challenge to put Doda constituency on track of growth and development and to get major schemes for construction of civil infrastructure at a war footing. With love & support of Doda people and by grace of God, I could accomplish both the tasks with full honesty and sincerity. Doda, today, is fast put on map of perspective planning and my next task is only to fight against menace of unemployment in this region. Current assembly elections have placed J&K state on a crucial crossroad where the people of the state have to decide between the two ideologies of communal pide represented by BJP and the inclusiveness and harmony, symbolized by Congress Party.
He said Doda constituency is ‘Miniature India’ where people of different sections of the society and various shades of faith co-exist in an environment of love and brotherhood since centuries. “BJP, like always, is bent upon wedging apart the people and pide them to grab power”, he said and maintained that people of Doda constituency are wise enough to read between the lines and vote in large numbers in his favour.
Various other speakers, speaking in rallies, said that people of Doda constituency can never forget contributions of Abdul Majid Wani as its MLA. It were only his efforts that people of Doda constituency could be fully empowered. People of Doda constituency, in particular, are today proud citizens with state of the art best education and health facilities; far flung villages stand connected through a dense network of roads and bridges; hygiene drinking water is being supplies even to far flung remote localities. Among others, Abdul Majid Wani was accompanied by Irshad Malik, Najib –ul –Rehman, Mohd. Abdullah Banday, Mohd. Khalil Banday, Vishal Bhagat, Swami Raj, Anil Kumar, Suraj Parkash, Sunil Rana, Adil Karim Wani, Ishtiaq Beig, Aamir Wani, Manzoor Banday, Nissar Amad, Vikas Bhagat, Jahanzeib, Atta Mohd. Banday, Abdul Gani Malik, Mohd. Akram Malik, Abdul Hamid Malik, Ghulam Nabi Banday, Abdul Ahad Wani.