BJP president Amit Shah Tuesday appealed to voters in Jharkhand to give the party a clear mandate in the coming assembly polls."We appeal to the people of Jharkhand to give us a clear mandate in the assembly polls. The people should vote for a stable and development-oriented government. Once people give the BJP a clear mandate, then in five years we will take the state among the developed states," said Amit Shah here while releasing the party manifesto for the assembly poll.He said: "The BJP introduced the policy of performance. This is the reason we are ruling in many states."
"Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand were formed together in 2000, but Jharkhand lagged behind in development due to unstable government and Chhattisgarh is now on the path to becoming a developed state."The BJP in its manifesto has promised corruption-free government, improving infrastructure, skill development, and loan to farmers at 2 percent interest rate, among others.Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley was also present on the occasion."Jharkhand has the potential to become a power hub, a developed industrial state, but the state is lagging behind in both sectors due to unstable government. Time has come for people to decide firmly what kind of government they want... Development is only possible as at the Centre if the government has a clear mandate," Jaitley said.Jaitley said as per the new ordinance on auctioning of coal mines, the state will get 100 per cent of the auction money of the coal blocks.