Himachal Pradesh has suffered a loss of around Rs.600 crore in the monsoon rains which also claimed 33 human lives, Revenue Minister Kaul Singh said Tuesday."The approximate loss assessed so far is Rs.600 crore and the exact loss is being assessed," he said in a statement.The minister said a memorandum setting out the losses based on the damage reports is being prepared and would be sent to the union government for central assistance.Mandi and Hamirpur districts suffered heavy losses due to heavy rainfall Aug 14 and 15. Many roads and houses and a couple of bridges were washed away. Kangra, Kullu, Bilaspur, Kinnaur, Sirmaur and Solan districts also suffered heavy losses, he said.
"The state experienced an unprecedented heavy rainfall, which was 140 to 204 percent above normal, during these two days (Aug 14-15)."The minister said adequate funds have been provided to the departments concerned for carrying out relief works. So far, Rs.76.50 crore has been released.The state, however, received 35 percent deficient rains from June 1 to Aug 25, said weather officials.Hiamchal received 430 mm of rains against the average rainfall of 659.5 mm during this period, said an official.Lahaul-Spiti and Kinnaur district received 87 percent and 79 percent deficient rains, followed by Chamba (70 percent), Sirmaur (32 percent), Kangra (27 percent), Hamirpur (20 percent), Solan (19 percent) and Kullu (17 percent).