Deputy Commissioner (DC) Shopian, Mohammad Shahid Saleem Dar today held a meeting with Imams and Khateebs of the district to discuss the growing issue of drug addiction in the society.
The DC urged the community leaders to act as ambassadors in raising awareness about the dangers of drug abuse among the vulnerable sections of the society. He emphasized the need to inspire youth towards productive activities so that they remain aloof from the degrading menace of Drugs Consumption.
This initiative is part of the district administration's efforts to combat drug addiction, which has become a significant concern in J&K. The DC aims to leverage their influence in the community to spread awareness and encourage positive change.
Some of the respectable community leaders and police officers also deliberated on the concerning social issue and committed towards enhancing the awareness initiatives at their places and contributing towards the cause of drug free Shopian and Swachh Shopian.
Later, the DC also spoke on sanitation issues and emphasized the need to use biodegradable items instead of environment harming polythene and plastics and impressed upon them to use their influence in strengthening positive change in the society.
The interaction was attended by various other civil and police officers including ADDC, Shopian, Dr.Nasir Ahmad Lone and ADC, Dr.Zakir Hussain Faaz.