In a major step towards transparency and speedy delivery of services, the Punjab Building and other Construction workers welfare board has computerized the whole system from receiving applications to providing all kinds of benefits. To ensure the successful implementation of new system, clerical staff has been imparted with special training in all districts.The Labour Minister Punjab Mr. Chunni Lal Bhagat today reviewed the implementation at the state headquarters which has been connected with all the district offices. Having proper integration of all services the computerized system would provide the facility to apply online for registration, welfare schemes besides to know the status of their application. He said that as major population of workers were not familiar to the English language and to facilitate them all services have been provided in mother tongue also.
The Minister has also announced to incorporate SMS services as a part of software, under which every applicant on submission of application would get an SMS indicating the date of his/her service, would be delivered. He also ordered that if the service of the citizen was ready before the said date, the SMS should inform the applicant about that. The Minister has also informed that it was found in the department record that 94% workers were using mobile phones which would be a big relief to track the status of their application. It may be mentioned here that till July 2014, more than 2.15 lakh workers have been registered with the board. In last financial year, benefits worth Rs. 9 crore have been provided to 29028 applicants under various welfare schemes besides depositing Rs. 75 crore under LIC pension scheme.