Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (Urban), construction of 3234 houses have been completed so far under the financial assistance scheme for construction of pakka houses provided to 4366 beneficiaries falling under the local bodies of the district, while 1132 houses are being constructed by the beneficiaries.
Revealing the information, Deputy Commissioner Mrs Aashika Jain today after holding a review meeting with Municipal Corporation Commissioner T. Benith and Additional Deputy Commissioner (Urban Development) under PMAY, said that a financial assistance of Rs 1.75 lakh is given to the beneficiary who fulfill the conditions, in different instalments, under which Rs 12,500 is initially released, Rs 50,000 after foundation, Rs 50,000 for lintel, Rs 12,500 for shuttering, Rs 20,000 for roof and the final installment of Rs 30,000 is released on completion.
While apprising the Deputy Commissioner about the progress of the PMAY in the Corporation area, MC Commissioner T. Benith said that a total of 150 houses have been completed in the Mohali Municipal Corporation area while work on 8 is underway.
Additional Deputy Commissioner (Urban Development) Anmol Singh Dhaliwal, while giving details of the progress of various urban bodies (municipal councils) falling under the district, informed the Deputy Commissioner that till now 3084 houses have been completed while 1124 houses are under construction at various stages.
He informed that in Banur, 354 houses have been completed while 80 are under construction. In Naya Gaon, 44 houses have been completed while 1 is under construction. In Kurali, 194 have been completed while 50 are at various stages.
In Kharar, 678 have been completed while 228 are under construction. In Derabassi, 393 houses have been completed while 373 are under construction. In Zirakpur, 221 houses have been built while 12 are under construction.
In Lalru, 1200 houses have been completed while 380 are under construction. The Deputy Commissioner asked the Corporation Commissioner and Additional Deputy Commissioner (Urban Development) to complete the houses under construction at the earliest and release their next installment in various specified phases.
She said that it should be ensured that the next installment is released only after getting each phase of construction geo-tagged.