MP (Rajya Sabha) Sanjeev Arora from Ludhiana met Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari in New Delhi on Thursday and requested for construction of a Vehicular Under Passes (VUP) from Dhandari railway station crossing NH 44 in Ludhiana and VUP/LVUP (Vehicular and Light Vehicle Underpass) at seven places in the city.
During this meeting, Arora brought the Minister’s attention to the urgent need for constructing a Vehicular Underpass (VUP) from Dhandari Kalan railway station to the other side of the road crossing NH-44 in Ludhiana.
He apprised the Minister that the existing infrastructure is struggling to cope with the massive volume of goods traffic emanating from the nearby industrial zone, resulting in chronic traffic congestion and accidents.
This situation is also causing significant hardship for pedestrians and other commuters. Considering these challenges, he requested the Minister to direct the concerned officials to identify and mark the area for VUP construction.
He opined that this critical infrastructure project would greatly alleviate traffic congestion, enhance road safety, and promote economic growth in the region. In reply, the Minister, showing his positive response to Arora's request, immediately directed his officials to conduct a feasibility report.
MP Arora also expressed his gratitude for instructing the concerned officials to examine the matter of constructing VUP/LVUP at seven places in the city. He reminded the Minister that these VUP/LVUP are crucial in taking care of the black spots and saving lives of pedestrians.
MP Arora sought construction of VUP/LVUP at Jalandhar Bypass, Subash Nagar to Sunder Nagar Chowk, Kailash Nagar Chowk, Kakowal Chowk – Shekhewal, at Kali Bindra Colony (Pringle Ground), Bal Singh Nagar to Kailash Nagar and Jassian Road to Guruhar Rai Nagar crossing.
Local MLAs had approached MP Arora highlighting the dire need for additional VUP/LVUP following which he had taken up this matter with the Minister a few months ago. He said regarding his request to construct VUP/LVUP at seven places in the city, the Minister has passed on instruction to the concerned officers to start work at the earliest possible.
MP Arora said he is confident that common people and the industry would ultimately feel a great relief after both the requests are fully taken care of. He thanked the Minister for showing a positive response while adhering to his requests.