Punjab Traders’ Commission Member Vineet Verma’s intervention finally proved helpful for Anita to get her Right Trans Femoral Prosthesis (Artificial Limb) for which she had been waiting for longtime. Divulging the details, Vineet Verma said that the case of Anita (w/o Rakesh Kumar, an ESIC beneficiary) was lying pending for a sanction of Rs 3.49 lakh with Direction Health Services (ESI) to get approval for replacement of her damaged right side lower artificial limb for the past four months.
When the matter was brought to the notice of Traders’ Commission Member Verma by Jasbir Singh, Chairman Labour Law Committee of Mohali Industry Association, the plight of the poor lady was brought to the notice of the Chief Minister's Office who further expeditiously got cleared the file of Anita from the concerned authority. He said there was a huge difference between the earlier sanctioned amount and the actual payment on getting the artificial limb installed and due to some technicality, she was unable to get her artificial limb replaced.
Now, after getting things cleared with the partial amendment in the sanctioned amount, Anita had got her limb installed and walk comfortably. Anita and her husband, yesterday paid a visit to Punjab State Traders Commission Member for his kind support to get her problem resolved.