Taking serious view of the issue raised by the residents about the VR-6 road of GMADA, the Deputy Commissioner Aashika Jain directed the SDM Kharar to visit the site with immediate effect to end the problems of the commuters. Briefing the details, the Deputy Commissioner Jain said that the SDM Kharar Gurmander Singh has visited the road along with Executive Engineer of GMADA Avdeep and representatives of OMAXE yesterday.
The GMADA official and OMAXE have been directed to fix the problems being face by the residents with immediate effect. The major problem is of potholes and want of proper diversion reflectors near the upcoming bridge so that commuters could not suffer any problem.
Meanwhile the Executive Engineer from GMADA Avdeep apprised the SDM that the work of construction of VR-6 road is affected due to the saty ordered by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India on the final judgement passed by Hon’ble NGT in case OA no. 980/2019. Hence the work of contruction of culvert by M/s Omaxe at RD 700 of VR-6 road has been left since Aug 2021.
The case is still under proceedings at Supreme Court of India. Apart from that the final/revised cross-section of VR-6 road for laying of PH services is yet to be approved by competent authority. Similarly, the work of laying of Storm sewer at VR-6 road is yet to be executed by dismantling and then reconstructing the LHS carriageway after laying storm sewer.
The GMADA and OMAXE officials have been asked to hold a detailed meeting with the ADC (UD) to resolve the day to day issues raised by the residents.