Lambasting the present MP, Ch. Lal Singh and former MP, Ex. Cabinet Minister and Congress candidate for Udhampur Lok Sabha constituency, today said that the leaders of BJP have a record of neglecting their people and constituencies after getting elected and they are visible only in elections after five years. When elected to power the people of Udhampur Lok Sabha constituencies have to seek appointment to meet the present MP, which is never given.
Ch. Lal Singh said that BJP which ruled the nation for 10 years indulged only in vote bank politics, exploitation of masses and communal policies. They divided people on the name of religion, caste and region as it fitted their policy of vote bank. Ch. Lal Singh said that that present MP discusses Amethi in Basholi and forgets to discuss the plight of the remote villages of the Udhampur-Kathua constituency where there is no drinking water and long power cuts.
The poor people of the constituency have no roads and their mutations of land have also been canceled and now the poor people cannot plough the land which they were doing since independence. While addressing the people he assured that after he will elected as MP, he will personally plough the land which has been taken away by the dictatorial form of the government and all the jobs will be protected for the people of J&K. Ch. Lal Singh Said the Congress is the party of the poor while the BJP exists to serve only the big businessmen.
BJP government has sold the public assets and all the resources of the Jammu and Kashmir to big corporate and their friends. He further lambasted that this if this dictatorial form of the government has done so much of the developments then why are they running away from the assembly elections for the last 10 years.
The BJP MP’s discusses Kerla in Kashmir and Kashmir in Kerla. Declaring Basohli as district is another Jumla of present MP, which we are listing only in the elections.Addressing a series of roadside meetings and public rallies enrooted from Banore, Dambra, Palial, Sari Muni, Parnala, Palan, Manger, Phinter, Deol, Billawar, Bhaddu, Dharamkote, Mandali, Dangra, and culminated in Dharamani.
Ch. Lal Singh was also accompanied by Ex. Minister Dr. Manohar Lal and he gave a clarion call to the people to prepare themselves for giving a befitting reply to the divisive forces led by BJP as the opportunity has come after five years. He also appealed to the masses that Kathua district should break all the records of votes in favor of Ch. Lal Singh.