As part of the ongoing campaign against burning of paddy residue, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Langroya, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar conducted an awareness programme for mobilization of school students at Govt. Senior Secondary Smart School, Kariha on 27th October, 2023. This programme was organized under the guidance of Dr. Maninder Singh Bons, Associate Director (Training), KVK, Langroya, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar.
During this programme, Dr. Baljit Singh, Assistant Professor (Plant Protection), informed about the harmful effects of burning of crop residue burning and that management of paddy residue is of utmost importance at this moment and stressed upon the proactive role to be played by school students in spreading this message. Mrs. Renu Bala, Demonstartor (Home Science) gave a brief overview of the activities of KVK. Dr. Kirandeep, Assistant Professor (Agricultural Engineering) informed about different crop residue management technogies. Dr. Arti Verma, Assistant Professor (Vegetable Science) informed about importance of integrated nutrition gardening.
For seeking active participation of the students in this initiative of utmost importance, KVK Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar organized a Jaagrukta rally and also conducted declamation, essay writing and painting competition for the school students for sensitization regarding the harmful effects of paddy residue burning. The various competitions were conducted under the guidance of KVK scientists and the school faculty.
The students participated in these competitions with keen interest and the winners were duly acknowledged and awarded. In the end, Smt. Ranjit Kaur, Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary Smart School, Kariha thanked the experts from KVK and also assured full support in this noble cause.