To take the message of the G20 New Delhi Declaration and in line with Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision of Janbhagidari and Inclusive, Sustainable and Green Growth, SIDBI is supporting a unique entrepreneurship train journey across India.
The mission of the Jagriti G20 Startup20 Yatra 2023 is to take the Delhi Declaration across the nation before passing on the baton to Brazil, which will be assuming the G20 Presidency at the end of November. The key themes of the Yatra are Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Women-led Development, while focusing on Sustainability, Digital Transformation, Enabling Enterprise Ecosystems and Cross-border Collaboration.
These key tenets of the G20 Delhi Declaration will be amplified through few Mega Events as part of the Jagriti G20 Startup G20 Yatra. These mega events are planned in Mumbai, Bengaluru, Varanasi, Deoria, Delhi (two events) and Gandhinagar.
This unique train will travel 8000 km across India, commencing from Mumbai on 28th October 2023 and concluding in Mumbai on 10th November 2023. 450 participants, including 70 participants from G20 nations will be part of this entrepreneurship train journey. Through this Yatra, participants will gain exposure to the Indian and International enterprise and innovation ecosystem, acquiring insights into inclusive practices and global networking.
Shri Sivasubramanian Ramann, CMD, SIDBI said “This Yatra is being supported by SIDBI as a ‘Green Partner’, being the Development Financial Institution (DFI) of the country serving to MSME Sector, which believes in transforming the Nation through entrepreneurship and amplifying sustainability. The objective of supporting this train journey by SIDBI is to promote “Green Culture” and “Sustainability” among Youths and Startups by introducing various themes among G20 participants.
SIDBI has been attending to the “Green Enterprise” mandate with a theme that “Financing the Green cannot happen unless we Green the Financing”. We have realized that adopting “Bottom-Up” approach is of essence and “Greening the Entire Enterprise Value Chain” demands engagements on Demand and Supply side as also financial and non-financial services. SIDBI’s five mission viz. Solar, Energy Efficiency, Electric Vehicle, Waste 2 Envttaste and Nurture t Nature are aligned to the National priorities wherein we are gearing up the MSME ecosystem to be responsive and sustainable.
SIDBI is the principal financial institution set up under an Act of Parliament for promotion financing and development of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector and for coordination of functions of institutions engaged in similar activities. Over the years, SIDBI has been instrumental in taking up various initiatives for the development of the MSME sector through credit and more importantly, credit plus activities.