The recruitment drive "Rozgar Mela" for 10 lakh youth was launched today through video conferencing in 37 centres located across the country by the Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. During the function, appointment letters were handed over to 51,000 newly recruited persons. On this occasion, Hon'ble Prime Minister also addressed these newly appointed persons through virtual mode.
This is an important step in fulfilling the Prime Minister's continued commitment to provide employment opportunities to the youth and to ensure the welfare of the citizens. As per the instructions of the Prime Minister, all the Ministries and Departments are working towards filling the existing vacancies against the sanctioned posts in this mission mode
This mega event was organized at Patiala Locomotive Works (PLW), Patiala . During this "Rozgar Mela" organized at PLW, Patiala, Minister of State for Commerce & Industry , Hon'ble Shri Som Parkash distributed appointment letters to 20 newly recruited people from Punjab and adjoining areas.
Of these, 16 newly appointed people have been given appointment to PLW Patiala, 04 to other Centeral Government Departments.These recruitments are done by the Central Ministries and Departments themselves and through recruitment agencies like UPSC, SSC, Railway Recruitment Board. For speedy recruitment, the selection processes have been simplified and made technically efficient.
The newly appointed young men and women gathered for the appointment letter distribution program, there was great enthusiasm for this mission appointment program of the Hon’ble Prime Minister and they expressed their gratitude to the Prime Minister for getting the appointment.