Army is facing a severe shortage of officers and also there is very poor rate of induction of Punjabi youngsters in the armed forces. At this time it is a proud moment for Shemrock Sen. Sec. School, Sec-69, Mohali that 35 students have cleared in NDA. These students will join the National Defence Academy for their further training .While honoring the students Director MRSAFPI Maj. Gen. H Chauhan (VSM )said that Since its first AFPI Course which passed out in 2013, the school has inducted 217 cadets to NDA and various other Military & Naval Academies and 141 of these have already been commissioned as officers till June 2023.
Maj. Gen. H Chauhan while congratulating the students said that this institute in Punjab train boys of Punjab to join defence forces by observing that the number of individuals, joining defence forces from Punjab had been going down year by year and it pride for us 36 of our students mark the success.Chairman A S Bajwa said that the partnership applauds the efforts of 35 cadets out of 46 who cleared the written NDA successfully. An unprecedented pass percentage of 76.08% speaks volumes of the unparalleled partnership. We wish them good luck for the final round of SSB’s.
Principal Prineet Sohal Said at the moment that the faculty of Shemrock School and AFPI have done a commendable job in academics and overall grooming of cadets for inducting them to Indian Armed Forces. A disciplined, inspiring environment and competent teaching faculty was a priority for leaving no stone unturned to provide a cutting edge to this highly competitive exam, wherein over 5 Lakhs students appear every time.According to the cleared students, selection was not an easy process. They were grilled and their selection is only result of following their mentors and teachers and became lucky charms.