Shubh is recently surrounded with a major controversy just because of sharing a post which has brought a worst nightmare to his life. The image of a distorted Indian map has landed him into troubles which lead to cancellation of his India tour. Following all the backlashes he was receiving, he remained shut until yesterday but has now finally come up with a lengthy reply clearing his viewpoint.
Speaking about Shubh’s reply, he took to his Instagram and shared a post clarifying his point of view regarding the story he reshared and thanked everyone who stood with him. He said that he is extremely disheartened due to the cancellation of his India tour and said that he was highly amped up and enthusiastic to perform in his country infront of his people. He said ‘India is my country too’ and praised being a Punjabi and requested people to refrain from naming every Punjabi as separatist or anti-national.
Speaking about his intentions behind resharing his March 2023 post of distorted Indian map, he said, “My intent in resharing that post on my story was only to pray for Punjab as there were reports of electricity and internet shutdowns throughout the state. There was no other thought behind it, and I definitely didn't intend to hurt anyone's sentiments.” sharing his views, he captioned his post as, “Thank You Everyone Who Stood By Me WAHEGURU MEHAR KRE SARBAT DA BHALA”
Have A Look At His Post:
This reply came after his Still Rollin India Tour for which he was all set and happy, got cancelled at the last moment after massive backlash and outrage. He was ready to perform in Mumbai from September 23 to 25 as part of the Cruise Control 4.0 event and later in other cities including Delhi, Bengaluru and Hyderabad.
ALSO READ: Shubh’s Still Rollin India Tour Cancelled Amid The Ongoing Controversies