As per the directions of National Legal Services Authority, New Delhi and Punjab State Legal Services Authority, SAS Nagar Mohali, 3rd National Lok Adalat of the year 2023 was held at various courts of District Rupnagar and its sub-divisions- Sri Anandpur Sahib and Nangal under the supervision of Ms. Ramesh Kumari, Ld. District & Sessions Judge-cum-Chairperson, District Legal Services Authority, Rupnagar.
In the National Lok Adalat organized on 09.09.2023, around 5327 cases of different categories i.e. Civil, Criminal Compoundable Cases, Cases U/s 138 NI Act, Bank Recovery cases, Land Acquisition Cases, Injunction Matters, Matrimonial Disputes, Motor accident and insurance claim cases, LAC Cases, arbitration and conciliation cases, Revenue Cases, Electricity and Water Bills and Traffic Challans were also taken up.
In addition to this, Pre-Litigative Cases were also taken up. Additional Benches were also held at Revenue and Consumer Forums. Out of 5327 cases, 2965 cases were disposed of and awards amounting to Rs. 178707583.8 were passed.
It was further informed by Ms. Himanshi Galhotra, CJM-cum-Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Rupnagar that Lok Adalat has always remained the best way for amicable resolution of disputes.
Entire court fee paid by the parties is refunded, in case the matter is settled in Lok Adalat and the Award passed by bench of Lok Adalat has a seal of finality and entire court fee paid by the parties is also refunded.
Court of Sh. Ashish Thathai, Ld. Chief Judicial Magistrare, Rupnagar disposed of 2 civil suits titled as ‘Bhupinder Singh Vs Hardial Singh’ and ‘Jaspal Kaur Vs Hardial Singh’ which were more than 7 year old. The dispute was resolved by way of compromise.
Similarly, the Court of Sh. Barinder Singh Ramana, Additional District & Sessions Judge, Rupnagar disposed of 1 case titled as ‘Asgar Ali Vs General Public’ relating to guardianship of the child. The case pertained to year 2017. As per the settlement, parties amicably decided to give visitation rights to the father.
Another 5 year old case titled ‘Laxmi Devi Vs Kamal Kumar’, the matrimonial dispute was amicably resolved between the parties and it was further resolved that after academic sessions of the children, Laxmi Devi along with children shall come to reside back to her matrimonial house.
At last CJM, Himanshi Galhotra also expressed her thankfulness for Gurudwara Sri Tibbi Sahib & Gurudwara Sri Bhatha Sahib, Rupnagar for organizing the Langar of food and tea at District Court Complex, Rupnagar for the litigants.