The DCC/ DLRC meeting for the quarter ending June 2023 for district Bandipora was today held at mini secretariat, here under the Chairmanship of District Development Council Bandipora, Abdul Gani Bhat.The meeting was attended by ADDC Ali Afsar Khan; Joint Director Planning, Imtiyaz Ahmad; AGM RBI, DDM Nabard and other district heads of line departments and banks.
The meeting was informed that the Banks operating in the district have disbursed an amount of Rs I00.29 Cores in priority sector for the quarter against the annual target of Rs 922.71 crores @11% achievement and Rs.65 Crores in non -priority sector for the quarter against the annual target of Rs.128 crores @51% achievement.
The chairman DDC was apprised that a total of 165 crores credit disbursement for the quarter ending june was registered thereby registering an achievement of 16% of annual credit plan 2024-24.The chairman DDC instructed aIl banks for gearing up the speed and ensure all TAT to be followed in all cases and the same was endorsed by the CPO and AGM RBI.
He stressed that banks and departments need to work together for enrolling maximum number of beneficiaries under JAN SURAKHSA schemes.Besides reviewing the performance of Banks and various other departments, the Chairman DDC asked the line departments to sponsor quality cases and stressed on Banks for speedy disposal of Govt. Sponsored cases.