Horticulture Department, Ramban today organized a one day capacity building programme for fruit growers at Government Fruit Plant Nursery, Batote. The participating farmers were imparted hands-on training on modern Horticulture techniques.
The training program was hosted under UT Capex and Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP and under the guidance of Chief Horticulture Officer, Anil Gorka. DLSMS, Sandeep Sharma and HDO Ramban, Sunil Gupta gave demonstrations on different propagation techniques used for raising commercial horticulture and its management practices.
Discussing HADP, Revised Modified High Density Plantation-UT Capex Budget and other schemes, they advised the participants to avail the benefits of the same. A similar Training cum Demonstration programme will be organized at Banihal Town soon, they informed.
Participants drawn from different areas of Ramban zone attended the said training and improved the level of knowledge about horticulture activities.President Municipal Committee Batote, S. Ravinder Singh, PRIs and prominent orchardists also graced the programme.