The live streaming of release of 14th installment of PM-KISAN scheme and launching of multiple initiatives by Prime Minister, Narendra Modi at Sikar Rajasthan was today organised by Department of Agriculture Production and Farmers Welfare Jammu through its offices at district and block levels.
A programme was held at Baba Jitto, Kissan Kendra, Talab Tillo with Director Agriculture Production & Farmers’ Welfare Department Jammu, K.K. Sharma as the chief guest and Vikram Randhawa , Ex- MLC as the guest of honour.
During the main event at Sikar, Rajasthan Honorable Prime minister, Narendra Modi released 14th installment to over 8.5 crore farmers amounting to Rs 17,000 crores by click of a button. The total amount transferred to the beneficiaries since the inception of the scheme crossed well over Rs 2.59 lakh crore.
This financial assistance will support farmers in meeting their daily needs and contribute to their overall well-being. Further, the Prime Minister dedicated 1.25 lakh PM Kisan Samriddhi Kendras to the Nation. Government is converting the retail fertilizer shops in the country into PMKSKs in a phased manner.
PMKSKs will cater to a wide variety of needs of the farmers and provide agri-inputs (fertilizers, seeds, and implements), testing facilities for soil, seeds, and fertilizers; generate awareness among farmers; provide information regarding various government schemes and ensure regular capacity building of retailers at block/district level outlets.
PM also launched the Sulphur Coated Urea (Urea Gold). This innovative fertilizer is more economical and efficient than Neem-Coated urea, ensuring improved nitrogen use efficiency, reduced consumption, and enhanced crop quality.
Director Agriculture Jammu, in his address, informed that e- KYC has been made mandatory for receiving benefits under PM - KISAN, and the same is currently being done with assistance of field staff of the department through mobile app with face recognition feature.
He also informed that e-KYC of about 7.5 lakh farmers have been verified and uploaded. He also shared the details of achievements under various social security schemes for stabilizing the income of Framers.
At Reasi: A programme for viewing live streaming of the release of 14th installment of the PM Kisan Saman Nidhi scheme by Prime Minister Narendra Modi was arranged by the department of agriculture production and farmers welfare Reasi.
DDC Chairman Saraf Singh Nag, District Development Commissioner Reasi Babila Rakwal, Additional District Development Commissioner Reasi Jyoti Slathia, BDC Chairman Reasi, Sarpanches,PRI members and farmers of adjoining villages.
Chief Agriculture Officer Reasi Harbans Singh in his welcome address told that 29077 farmers of the District will be benefited by transfer of Rs 5.81 crore through DBT in their account for purchase of various agriculture inputs.
Chairman District Development council Saraf Singh Nag said that 8.5 crore farmers will be benefited throughout India with transfer of more than 17000 crore directly in their accounts and stressed for covering of all eligible beneficiaries.
At KVK Samba: Krishi Vigyan Kendra Samba organized a live telecast of the PM-Kisan Scheme which was attended by 265 farmers, farm women and rural youth from different villages of district Samba.
The programme started with the welcome address by Prof. Sanjay Khajuria, Chief Scientist & Head KVK Samba. He welcomed the Vice Chairman DDC Samba, Balwan Singh- the Chief Guest and the progressive farmers as well as farm women of the district.
He disclosed that very soon various projects will be launched in the district for the welfare of the farming community.The DDC Vice Chairman lauded the efforts of KVK Samba towards the welfare of the farmers in the district. He promised to provide every type of help to the KVK Samba as and when required.
At Doda: Chief Agriculture Officer Anil Gupta organized a get-together for eligible farmers to attend the virtual screening of the release of the 14th installment of Pradhan Mantri Kissan Samman Nidhi Yojana.
The Chief Agriculture Officer, along with the staff of the Agriculture Department warmly welcomed a large gathering of eligible farmers at the Chief Agriculture Office Doda for a virtual interaction with the Prime Minister.
At Ramban, Live streaming regarding the release of 14th installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Scheme by Prime Minister Narendra Modi was hosted by the Department of Agriculture Ramban.
The Additional District Development Commissioner, Rajinder Sharma, DDC Member Ramban Renuka Katoch, Sarpanches, Panches, PRI members, Chief Agriculture officer, Ram Gopal Sharma, SDAO Sudhir Manhas, AEOs, JAEOs, other field functionaries besides large number of farmers virtually attended the programme.Farmers hailed the message of the Prime Minister for promoting Agro based start-ups and pro-farmers initiatives.
At Udhampur: An impressive programme was organized by Agriculture Department Udhampur here at Panchayat Kashirah, on the occasion
The Prime Minister Kisan Samridhi Kendra at Kashirah was inaugurated by Chairman District Development Council, Udhampur, Lal Chand in presence of Sanjay Anand, Chief Agriculture Officer, other officials and progressive farmers of the area.
Addressing the gathering, the DDC Chairperson appealed to the farmers to make efficient use of the amount disbursed under PM Kisan Saman Nidhi Yojana.Similar programme was held at all Blocks & Panchayats of the District in presence of PRI members and progressive farmers.
KVK Kathua: The live webcasting of the programme organised at KVK Kathua was presided over by the Chairman DDC Kathua, Mahan Singh. Vice Chairman DDC Raghunandan Singh, Sarpanches, Panches, Ward members, progressive farmers, Farm Women and the officers from Department of Agriculture were also present.
Chairman DDC Mahan Singh, while interacting with farmers, appreciated the efforts of the union government for taking an array of steps for the welfare of the farming community. He emphasised upon the development of clusters for specialised products to harvest greater profits.
Vice-Chairman DDC, Kathua Ragnunandan Singh, in his address, suggested the need to promote value addition and processing in agriculture through start-ups for percolation of economic benefits to the ultimate farmers.
A Kisan goshti was also organised during the programme wherein farmers raised their queries and interacted with scientists and officers of line departments. At Poonch, A mega District level event was organized at DAK Bunglow Poonch which was presided over by Additional Deputy Commissioner Poonch, Tahir Mustafa Malik and attended by more than 150 farmers.
Simultaneously, similar events were organised at Sub-Division Surankote and Sub-division Mendhar which were presided over by concerned Sub Divisional Magistrates with participation of more than 100 farmers.It was informed that over 56701 farmers in Poonch district have received a sum of about Rs 117.882 crore since December 2018.