Principal Secretary Forest, Ecology and Environment, Dheeraj Gupta today chaired the 4th Board of Directors (BODs) meeting of J&K Forest Development Corporation Limited (J&KFDCL) here at Civil Secretariat.
Managing Director J&K FDCL, Vasu Yadav briefed the BODs that the Corporation was incorporated on 3rd December 2020 under the Companies Act 2013 in pursuance of Government Order No.669-JK (GAD) of 2020 dated 22.06.2020 and has taken over the assets and liabilities of the erstwhile J&K State Forest Corporation consequent upon the repeal of J&K State Forest Corporation Act, 1978.
During the meeting, the Board reviewed the implementation of decisions taken in the previous board meetings and the members stressed on the need for transparency and efficiency in conduct of business.
While reviewing the overall functioning of the Corporation, Dheeraj Gupta, who is also chairman of J&K FDCL, stressed on the immediate need for enhancement in markings so as to permit extraction of larger quantity of timber for the consumers.
The board took note of the Audit reports of the J&K Forest Development Corporation for the year 2021-22 and took on record the changes among Directors.The MD, J&KFDCL informed the board that the Corporation deposited a revenue of Rs 180 crores with the Government during the year 2022-23 against a grant in aid of Rs 175 crores.
The meeting was attended by Principal Secretary Finance Santosh D Vaidya; PCCF, Forest Department, Roshan Jaggi; Commissioner Secretary, Rural Development Department, Mandeep Kaur; Commissioner Secretary, Industries and Commerce, Vikramjit Singh and Secretary Tribal Affairs, Shahid Iqbal Choudhary.