The International Day of Yoga was celebrated today with great fanfare and impressiveness by the International Organization of Brahma Kumaris at Sukh Shanti Bhawan Phase 7 in which a large number of devotees participated.
The programwas presided over by Rajyogini Brahma KumariPremlataInchargeRajyoga centers Mohali-Ropar Circle which started at 5.00 am with PrabhuSmriti and continued till 8.00 am. It included physical exercises and collective Session of Rajyoga Meditation.
Dr. KritikaBhanot of Civil HospitalKharar, Dr. KavitaBhandari fromGovernment dispensary Jhanjheri, Dr. Maneela ofAamAadmi Clinic Palherideputed by Distrtict Administration and B.K.Meena of Sukh Shanti Bhawan provided meaningful guidance of YogaAsans and 11 Raja Yoga Experts also conducted collectiveRajayoga MeditationSession.
On this occasion, Brahma KumariPremlata Behan Ji said that Raja Yoga makes both body and mind healthy. Raja Yoga is actually a silent dialogue between the soul and the Supreme Soul, which creates balance and harmony in human vision, attitude and action and destroys body consciousness, the root cause of vices.
Imbibing human values through the practice ofRajyoga, the society can get rid of terrorism, violence, drugs and corruption. It strengthens the feelings of mutual love, goodwill, trust, kindness and brotherhood. She further said that meditation enhances the inner power and efficiency of human beings and it is a Brahmastra to destroy ignorance.
On this occasion BrahmaKumari Rama Behan ji Co-Incharge of Raja Yoga Centers of Mohali-Ropar Circle explained Yoga and Raj Yoga in detail and said that remembering a thing, person and place is also Yoga, while Raja Yoga is union of soul with God. It is the best divine weapon to understand and experiencethyself.
Raja Yoga makes a human being completely healthy i.e. physically, mentally, socially and spiritually and it works as a sanjeevani herb by which the mind can become strong, calm, positive, divine, pure, full of good wishes. Through Raja Yoga, the entire human race can be threaded into the thread of unity.
Therefore, at present there is a great need of Raja Yoga being taught by the Supreme Soul Shiva through the corporeal media ofBrahma. To learn this yoga, every person can get free teachings from any Brahma Kumaris Rajyoga centre.