During 2014-15, Rs. 180 crores has been allocated under National Mission on Food Processing (NMFP) to various States/UTs. The five States receiving the highest allocation are Uttar Pradesh (Rs. 16.43 crores), Maharashtra (Rs. 13.36 crores), Rajasthan (Rs. 11.84 crores), Madhya Pradesh (Rs. 11.40 crores) and Andhra Pradesh (Rs. 11.38 crores). The funds in each State/UT are meant for all the Schemes of NMFP including that of scheme of Technology upgradation/Establishment/Modernization of food processing industries, under which food processing units can be set up in the country by the interested entrepreneurs.
Ministry of Food Processing Industries through State/UT Governments assists the private entrepreneurs who set up food processing units under the Scheme of Technology Upgradation/ Establishment/ Modernization of Food Processing Industries. This scheme has been subsumed in the newly launched Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National Mission on Food Processing (NMFP) w.e.f. 12th Plan (2012-17). As per the Scheme guidelines under the mission, all the new applications in 12th Plan (w.e.f. 1.4.2012) under the above scheme/mission are received, sanctioned and funds are released by the respective State/ UT Governments, for setting up of Food Processing units in the country. As per Annual Survey of Industries, 2011-12, there were 36,881 registered food processing units in the country. This information was given today by Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Balyan in a written reply to Lok Sabha question.