Ahead of next month's monsoon session of the Himachal Pradesh assembly, legislators will undergo a three-day "mock session" for online training, Speaker B.B.L. Butail said Monday."They will go for mock exercise by raising issues of previous sessions in the house for three days before the actual session starts for hands-on training of online system (e-Vidhan Sabha) being introduced for the first time in the country. This will remove hitches in using the modern technology," Butail told reporters."I may not be knowing much about a computer. But my vision is clear. Use of information technology is of much use in the changing times and is beneficial for the next generations," he said.
Butail, interacting with reporters, said the assembly is the first one in the country to go paper-free."It has been taken up as a pilot project by the government of India on our request. Many other states were also vying to go online, but then union minister Kapil Sibal okayed our project because we were already doing much," he said.The speaker said the assembly will go fully high tech with that Rs.8.12-crore project that will help save Rs.15 crore annually. "It is an environment-friendly project as the new paper-free system will annually save 6,000 trees from being felled."The chief minister will also present the budget online and even the papers, laid on the table of the house will be presented online," he said.The project will facilitate e-voting and video conferencing.