The show “Geet Dholi” will surprise its viewers this week as the plot of the show is going to be amazing for the viewers this week. Rythem aka Geet will put an end to all the troubles and makes it back to the Mehra house.
The entire Mehra family is in a happy mood as the re-marriage of Rythem aka Geet and Malhar is fixed for which the entire family goes to the village.
Rhythm hatches a grand scheme to expose Simone and Bhairavi's evil plan, in which Simon will be easily trapped. Not only this but on this special occasion there will be such a big revelation in front of the Mehra family.
What is the plan of Geet? Are Geet's troubles going to end now? The dramatic story of Geet Dholi takes a new turn, to see what happens next, watch Geet Dholi at 8 PM only on Zee Punjabi.