Principal Secretary ARI & Trainings Department, Ashok Kumar Parmar today visited Kulgam and inspected development projects being executed in the district. During the visit, Principal Secretary convened an interactive meeting with DDC, BDC and Panchayat members to get first hand appraisal of their concerns, grievances and development issues.
Deputy Commissioner Dr. Bilal Mohi-Ud-Din Bhat gave a brief detail about developmental scenario of the district. During the meeting, DDC Chairperson Mohammad Afzal Parrey, DDC, BDC and other PRI members highlighted various development issues of the district.
They informed about the devastation caused by floods in 2014 and demanded construction of a proper protection bund at Veshow river to avoid any flood threat in future.
They also demanded augmentation of staff at District Hospital Kulgam and enhancement in PMAY-G quota. Speaking on the occasion, Principal Secretary said that role of PRIs is vital in development and implementation of schemes.
He assured that all development concerns of PRIs shall be looked into so that the vision of democratic decentralization is realized. Later, Parmar visited flood protection bund at Aadigatnoo and Zungalpora where he was informed that these bunds have been constructed in convergence mode with a cost of Rs 5.85 crore, protecting several villages of the area from the onslaught of floods.
While visiting Amrit Sarovar at Pahaloo, Principal Secretary was informed that the district has rejuvenated and constructed more than 274 Amrit Sarovars in the district. He also inspected the newly developed playfield at Aakhran constructed by RDD with a cost of Rs 12 lakh.