The inter-religious conference was held at the Namdhari head office in Sri Bhaini Sahib Ludhiana in the presence of Sri Sat Guru Uday Singh Ji. In order to promote the event various esteemed religious leaders contributed to the advancement of religious unity.
Amongst the attendees to join and participate in the conference was the head of the Radha Soami satsang Baes Baba Gurinder Singh Ji Maharaj, Sufi association affiliate of Ajmer Sharif Dargah Haji Syed Salman Chishty, Bodh disciple Mr Khempo Kinley Gyaltsen, Swamni Narayan Sanstha Munivatsal Das Swami Ji and Swami Gyan Mangaldas Ji, Sant Darshan Singh Sashtri, Baba Baldev Singh Rara Sahib, Sant Dhooni Das Udasi who all gave powerful and enlightening contributions towards religious unity.
Radha Swami lead Baba Gurdas Singh Ji Maharaj congratulated Sri Guru Uday Singh Ji and the Namdhari’s on the initiative. They said we all believe in the One almighty but have given Him different names.
Drawing inspiration from Gurbani they mentioned the need to focus on why we have been born, they expressed how we have waivered from our prescribed goal. “We need to learn how to live within His will and order and can only achieve religious unity once we recognise Shabad Guru” they said in a very emotive lecture.
During the inter-religious conference under the leadership of the Namdhari Sikhs Leader Satguru Uday Singh Ji. Satguru Uday Singh Ji thanked all in arrival from the different religious groups with their representatives.
Here from Gurdwara Sri Bhaini Sahib’s Committee Gurbhej Singh Guraiya and Gurlal Singh Rahi greeted the esteemed guests with honour. Satguru Uday Singh Ji stated that according to the traditions of the Namdhari Sikhs and the given path as shown by Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji we have for the betterment of mankind, organised this inter-faith conference.
During the conference Satguru Uday Singh Ji shared their thoughts that when our mindset has started to go towards protecting entitlements of others and the renouncing of our own entitlements then all arguments and disagreements will disappear, as our apprehensions may be many and different however our religious foundations are one and the same.
Giving the example of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana Ji Satguru Uday Singh Ji said that propagation of mankind is given in this relationship not the preaching of conversion. Satguru Uday Singh Ji said that may no negativity befall on Punjab, may no negativity fall on our country and that the whole world be virtuous and that we rise above the powers that try to separate us and become strong as one. On this occasion we should all pledge this mindset; this is much needed.
At Sri Bhaini Sahib Gurdwara as planned, the inter-faith conference has taken place. During which the representative of the Buddhists, as chosen by Dalai Lama, Kenfo Kinley Gelson said that coming to the land of the saints and gurus and giving the message of togetherness in these times is the biggest selfless service.
He said that religion doesn’t make us hard like stone; however, it teaches us to flow like water.Also on this occasion the representative of Ajmer Shareef, Haji Saeyad Chisti while giving the example of Baba Fareed and Guru Nanak Dev Ji said that loving all and not holding enmity towards anyone is what we should be standing for as believers of righteousness.
Along these lines the representatives of Swami Narain Community, Swami Gian Mangaldas and Muni Vatsat Das said that we run after money and fame however what is important is our inner peace and inner peace is achieved by loving all and all religion thought is based on this.
Also Sant Darshan Singh Shastri, Sant Dhuni Das. Baba Satnam Singh Nihang and Buddhist Jaiti Fantokh with representatives gave the message of respecting and loving human kind. They also gave congratulations on such a great effort by the Namdhari’s under Satguru Uday Singh Ji and in their own ways gave memorabilia to mark the event.
The administration of the event was done with complete humility by Sant Nishan Singh and Pandit Yadwinder Singh. During this event the attending audience from all different religious backgrounds came to show their support for the aim of the gathering. At the same gathering, the Namdhari community sat in their thousands.
At this occasion the collective Gurdwara Sri Bhaini Sahib management committee, the different management committees of the representatives, MLA Hardeep Singh Mundia, the famous writer and poet Gurbhajan Gill, the editor of “Hun” Sushil Dasajh, Jaswant Singh, poet and writer Deepak Sharma Chanarthal and many representatives from many backgrounds attended. They all requested to Satguru Uday Singh Ji that this mission of religious togetherness during these times should not be broken