An impressive function was today organized by District Administration Udhampur on the culmination of Week Long National Save Girl Child Campaign with the theme “Value of girl child and rights of the child” 2023.
The campaign conducted under the aegis of ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ scheme concluded at the Conference Hall DC Office Complex. Deputy Commissioner, Krittika Jyotsna was the Chief Guest, while District Youth Services & Sport Officer, S. Swarn Singh was the guest of honour.
Speaking on the occasion, the DC congratulated the participants and asked the stakeholders to continue to generate awareness among the masses about the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign.
The DC said that the main objective of celebrating this day was to eradicate different types of social discrimination and exploitation that are faced by the girls. She said that now-a -days girls are competing with the boys in each and every field and are not lacking anywhere.
Reflecting on the importance of education of the girl child, she said that education will make girls a responsible citizen and help them to get their voice heard in the society.
The DC said that such awareness programmes would help in ensuring empowerment of women through education and equal participation in every field of human life besides preventing gender biased sex selective elimination of girl child.
DC appreciated the efforts made by Social Welfare departments for generating awareness among the masses. She also handed over 120 Gudda-Guddi boards to be placed in AWCs to ICDS Udhampur. Further a digital Gudda-Guddi board was installed in the DC Complex.
Earlier, District Social Welfare Officer, Kanika Gupta, who is also the Nodal Officer of BBBP, presented a welcome address and highlighted the importance of the National girl child day.
She apprised the chair about the weeklong events organised in the district from Jan 18 to Jan 24- 2023 which included competitions among school children, Mahila Sabhas, Oath ceremonies etc.
She briefed about the annual action plan under BBBP and the interventions like mass communication campaign, capacity building and multi sectoral interventions made at various levels to improve the Child Sex Ratio.
She added that the main objective of organizing this programme was to create awareness among the common masses about the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao scheme.
Later, the Chief Guest presented prizes to the participants. Other participants included staff of Sakhi, Mahila Shakti Kendra, Women cell, School children and sportspersons of district Udhampur, inmates of Parisha Udhampur (child care institute).