B.B.L. Butail calls on Lok Sabha Speaker
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5 Dariya News
17 Jul 2013
Vidhan Sabha Speaker, B.B.L. Butail will attend the Common-wealth Parliamentary Association Conference to be organised at Johannesburg in South Africa in the first week of September.Shri B.B.L. Butail called on Lok Sabha Speaker Smt. Meira Kumar in Parliament House, New Delhi today. He said that the Conference would be held from 1st September to 6th September, 2013 in which various issues relating to strengthening of parliamentary democracy would be discussed. He said that seminars and conferences would be held on transparency in parliamentary democracy, co-ordination between executive and legislative and role of the legislature in overall growth of all the three pillars of democracy. He hoped that the deliberations in the conference would help in strengthening parliamentary institutions in the country besides further ensuring close co-ordination between three pillars of the democracy.