District Child Protection Unit, Mission Vatsalya Kishtwar, on the directions of Deputy Commissioner, Dr. Devansh Yadav, and under the supervision of District Child Protection Officer, Zubair Ahmed, visited slum areas of Kishtwar and interacted with the children and their parents.
During the interaction, Protection Officer (Non Institutional Care), Touseef Iqbal Butt made the participants aware about the importance of education in society and asked them to register their children with the help of District Child Protection Unit besides explaining the benefits of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao.
He also highlighted different aspects of child rights with reference to child trafficking and child related crimes. Protection officer (Institutional Care), Deepika Bandari also spoke on various child related crimes and also exhorted them to be aware of their rights and disclose any incident of abuse or harassment to their parents and teachers.
She also requested parents to enroll their children in the nearest school with the help of child protection officials, besides guiding them how to prepare an Adhaar card for their children.In the end, Social Workers DCPU Kishtwar, Saima Kousar and Meenakshi Sharma gave brief awareness on legal protection against child begging and Child labour and warned all the residents of slum areas not to involve their children in begging and labour.