Secretary, Planning Development and Monitoring Department (PD&MD), Dr Raghav Langer today held a review meeting regarding progress of Output-Outcome Monitoring Framework (OOMF)with the Planning officers & Departmental officers dealing with OOMF Dashboard.
While welcoming the officers, Secretary PD&MD highlighted the importance of Output-Outcome Monitoring Framework which represents an important reform towards outcome-based monitoring& budgeting.
Preparation of OOMF is a paradigm shift from measuring simply physical and financial progress, to a governance model based on outcomes.The Framework endeavors to provide measurable indicators for achievement of scheme objectives, or the 'Outcomes'.
Actively tracking progress against defined targets provides two key benefits for governance: improving (i) the development impact and (ii) the public accountability of every rupee spent by the Government. The framework signifies change of priorities of the Policy Planners from Outlays towards Outputs & finally Outcomes; to bring qualitative improvements & transparency in the delivery of various public services.
Development, Monitoring and Evaluation Office (DMEO), NITI Aayog, GoI in collaboration with Government of Jammu and Kashmir has extended the OOMF exercise practiced at national level to the sub-national level through development of Output-Outcome Monitoring Framework for Centrally Sponsored Schemes and Projects of Prime Minister’s Development Package (PMDP) belonging to 9 priority departments.
DG Planning, PD&MD, Shahzada Bilal apprised everyone that as of now a total of 104 schemes have been mapped on the dashboard for data entry by the departments, comprising of 274 Output parameters, 591 Output indicators, 224 Outcome parameters & 373 Outcome indicators.
The dashboard can be accessed at website PD&MD also highlighted that J&K UT has been a front runner in rolling out the OOMF Dashboard under the guidance and continuous handholding of worthy Chief Secretary.
This will serve as an important tool for budgetary provisioning under various heads/sub heads &CSS/UT schemes for the FY 2023-24, as part of the ongoing budget preparation exercise.Secretary Planning also took note of some deficiencies in the OOMF dashboard and assured that dashboard will be updated by NIC team at an earliest to facilitate the punching of the requisite data.
Directors/Joint Directors (Planning), Additional/Deputy Secretaries of Jal Shakti, Health & Medical Education, Finance, Tourism, Social Welfare, Higher Education, Housing & Urban Development, Power Development, Agriculture Production & Farmers Welfare, Social Welfare and Public Works Departments attended the meeting.