On the 115th Birth Anniversary of Shaheed Bhagat Singh huge Rally was flagged off from SaragarhiGurudwara with fervour and great enthusiasm. The Rally was flagged off by Cabinet Ministerfor Freedom Fighters, Defence Services, Food Processing, Horticulture, Government of Punjab Fauja Singh Sarari.
Deputy Commissioner Ferozepur Amrit Singh IAS, MLA Ferozepur Urban Ranveer Singh Bhullar, MLA Rural Rajneesh Dahiya, MLA Zira NareshKataria, Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Ferozepur SagarSetia IAS, Superintendent of Police S. Gurmeet Singh Cheema, Additional Deputy Commissioner(Development) Arun Kumar, Rattandeep Sandhu, DPO were present at the time of the flag Off.
Speaking about the Rally ShriFauja Singh Sarari, said that main objective of this massive Rally is to pay tribute to the Martyrs and to inspire the youth to build the nation of his dreams and to connect them with their roots.
Deputy Commissioner Ferozepur said that on this Auspicious Occasion District Administration has planned various events throughout the day to inspire people with the ideals of our Martyrs and to make their vision a reality in the process of building this nation.
She said the kind of sacrifice Shaheed Bhagat Singh made for this country can never be forgotten and his name will always be embedded in the hearts of all Indians.On this Occasion, MLA Urban RanveerSingh Bhullar called upon the people to guard the thoughts of the martyrs and to take the vow to follow their thought process and he congratulated the people of this country on the birth anniversary of Shaheed-e- Azam S. Bhagat Singh ji.
MLA Rural Rajneesh Dahiya, MLA Zira NareshKataria reiterated the ideals of S. BhagatSinghji and urged that people to make commitment to these ideals.SagarSetia IAS, ADC (G) informed that the day is filled with number of events starting with the Rally.
He said that Chief Minister of Punjab S. Bhagwant Mann will pay tribute at the Martyrs' Samadhis at Hussaniwala in the afternoon. In late afternoon there is an event for the distribution of the sports kits to the players followed by the Candle March and the evening is full of cultural programme.
The Rally took off from SaragarhiGurudwara to Samadhis of Martyrs at Hussaniwala passing through Udham Singh Chowk, Multani gate in Ferozepur. The participants were seen in tying Basanti turbans and with BasantiDuppatas and the slogan of "InqlabZindabad" were sky echoed.
The members of Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev memorial,Anganwari Workers, Members of NGOs, Woman, Children and Youth took part in large numbers in this Rally.