In continuation to awareness programmes regarding drug abuse being organised under ‘Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan’, a mega event was today organized by Cultural Unit Kashmir of Department of Information and Public Relations in collaboration with Gandhi Memorial College Srinagar in the auditorium of Gandhi College under the title ‘Nasha Mukt J&K’.
On the occasion different activities were carried out to make students and other participants aware with regard to ‘Nasha Mukt J&K’ initiative.Artists of Angels Cultural Academy presented a thematic variety cultural programme including drama skit, rap music, dance and Ladishah. The students of Gandhi College spoke about drug abuse and its consequences.
Cultural Officer Kashmir, Burhan Hussain presented a powerpoint presentation with regard to the current alarming situation in Kashmir. He stressed upon the students to stay away from the people who are trying to push them into the drug trap.
AECO Cultural unit Syed Shakeel Shan while interacting with the students said that the administration is working hard to eradicate the drug menace in Kashmir but simultaneously it's the primary duty of civil society, parents, teachers and scholars to play vital role in educating the youth so that soon the rising graph of drug addiction declines.
In the speech competition, Sumaya Manzoor, Adnan Ibrahim and Hashim Shah got 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions respectively. A documentary prepared by the Cultural Unit on drug abuse "Badhay Qadam" was also screened during the event.
President Angels Cultural Academy, Tariq Ahmad Shera presented his poem about drug abuse.In his speech, Prof. Jeelani of Gandhi Memorial College shared research based data with regard to the drug menace in Kashmir.Certificates of honour and mementos were distributed among the participants and college administration.
The pledge was administered by the Cultural Officer Kashmir and all the students including other dignitaries vowed to stay away from drugs and make efforts to make India a drug free country.A large number of students, faculty and officers of Cultural Unit Kashmir and media persons were present on the occasion.