State in-charge of BJP, Avinash Rai Khanna said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has created a history of continuous success in all kinds of elections in the country.“Modi ji created the saga of mission repeat by registering victory over victory, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP repeated the government in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur and BJP will form a strong government once in Himachal,” said Khanna.
He said, “People often used to say that they have got ‘Swaraj’ but when will we get ‘Suraj’(good governance )and due to lack of good governance, people were losing faith in the democratic system. By taking good governance to the grassroots level, Prime Minister Modi has restored people's faith in democracy."added Khanna.
Avinash Khanna was speaking in the program of Vivekananda Vichar Manch today in Dharamsala
He said ,"Before 2014, many governments were changed. Many governments came and many governments went. But when Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power, people felt that this government had come to change the country and not just to run the government.
'The Narendra Modi government does not take such decisions as it pleases the people, but takes such decisions to be good for the people. That is a big difference. "Referring to the steps taken by the central government against corruption, he said that the Modi government has made a big dent on corruption in the last seven years.
"Even after being in the government for seven years, we say with confidence that this is a government against which there is not a single allegation of corruption and no one can even levy this kind of allegation," he said.