In the Book Release function organised by Punjabi Bhavan by Punjabi Lok Virasat Academy in Association with Punjabi Sahitya Academy Ludhiana and Kenderi Punjabi Lekhak Sabha, Novel 'LIFAFA' written by eminent writer Er. D.M. Singh was released in the presence of select Elite gathering.
Er. D.M. Singh has already written books on poetry, Short Stories, Mini Stories, Multi act Plays and novel now. Short stories written by him have been awarded Best Short story award and even transliterated in Shah Mukhi.The novel 'Lifafa' dwells on the issue of exploitation and loot in public and private hospitals especially Chain Hospitals because of commercial corporate culture business model of working while also bringing out in the vast Canvas of the novel that 'Friendship' is the best of all relationships.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Lakhwinder Johal, an accredited poet and President Sahit Academy complimented Er. D.M. Singh for choosing a subject matter of novel which was the need of the hour and that hardly any work in any literary form had been the until now.
The general public had been suffering enormously at the hands of private hospitals because of Lifafa or Commission culture prevalent at all levels of Medical Services. The novel shall act as an eye opener said noted poet Prof. Gurbhajan Gill, Chairman of Lok Virasat Academy while lauding work done by the writer.This novel Lifafa uncovers value system because of the emergence of primary importance being given to money and shall act as a torch bearer to the society says Dr Sardara Singh Johal, ex Chancellor, Central University, Bathinda.
Dr. S.P. Singh former V.C.,GNDU and Dr. Jaspal Singh, ex V.C., Punjabi University, Patiala while receiving a copy of Novel 'Lifafa' hope that Novel 'Lifafa' would while be received warmly in the literary world, it would awaken the tycoons in the corporate world holding reins of health services improvisation, to restrain from exploitation and loot of public.A paper written on the novel Lifafa by noted punjabi literary scholar Dr. Charnjit Singh Udari,ex Head Pbi Dept.,Akal Degree College ,Mastuana Sahib,Sangrur was read .