Wellness Workshop on CANCER & REALITIES was organized today for the awareness of officers and Staff of Directorate of Agriculture Production & Farmers Welfare, Jammu here at Baba Jitto Kisan Kendra. Joint Director Agriculture (Inputs), A. S. Reen chaired the workshop.
The programme was organized under the instructions and guidance of Director Agriculture Jammu, K. K. Sharma.Aashnaa Oncology Association in collaboration with Sahyog India organized the wellness workshop.
The experts included renowned Oncologists Dr Paras Khanna First & Only M. Ch Surgical Oncologist in JKUT & Dr Gurpreet Kaur - Head & Neck Cancer and Micro vascular Reconstructive Surgeon. Both the Experts Belong to AOA-Aashnaa Oncology Association.
In his keynote address, JD (Extension) said that the major goal of the workshop was to facilitate discussion and encourage the participant to interact with experts to improve their knowledge regarding cancer prevention by early detection and further educating the farmers and other fellow people in this respect.
Dr Paras Khanna deliberated in detail on the topic ‘perception and realities about cancer’ and asked the participants to improve their understanding of causes, prevention and cure of cancer. He said that alcohol and tobacco are the major causes of cancer besides heredity, UV radiation, chemicals and exposure to smoke.
He informed the participant about key cancer prevention, early detection and regular screening after the age of 50. It was also informed that HPV vaccine is also available in the market for cervical cancer.
Dr Gurpreet Kaur talked about causes and prevention of mouth, throat and nose cancer and explained the risk involved at different stages focusing on the fact that early detection is the key to survival.
A healthy interactive session was also held on the occasion.Welcome address and vote of Thanks was presented by Ashwani Kumar Jojra, ADO Udhampur.Joint Director (Apiculture & Mushroom), R. K. Hitaishi, Deputy Director (Trainings), Alok Pandotra, Spiritual Guide, Th. Jagdev Singh, President SAHYOG INDIA, Esther Wiliam besides other senior officers and officials of Department of Agriculture were also present on the occasion.