Under the Special campaign launched by the Punjab Government to root out the Drug Smugglers and as per directions of GauravYadav IPS, Director General of Police, Punjab, Surinder Pal Singh Parmar, IPS, Inspector General of Police Ludhiana Range Ludhiana and BhagirathMeena,IPS, Senior Superintendent of Police ShahidBhagat Singh Nagar under Supervision of Dr. Mukesh Kumar, PPS Superintendent of Police (Investigation), ShahidBhagat Singh Nagar the CIA team of ShahidBhagat Singh Nagar achieved a great success byrecovering 38 Kg of Heroin from a truck no. PB 04 V 6366 and arrested the 02 accused.
In this regard, Sh. Surinder Pal Singh Parmar, IPS, Inspector General of Police Ludhiana Range Ludhiana and Sh.Bhagirth Meena, IPS, Senior Superintendent of Police Shahid Bhagat Singh Nagar while giving information in the press conference said that on dated 27-08-2022 SI Surinder Singh, CIA staff ShahidBhagat Singh Nagar and Police Party received secret information that Rajesh Kumar alias SonuKhatri son RoshanLal resident of RakkaraDhahan, who is wanted in several criminal cases, who with his accomplice Kulwinder Ram alias Kinda son of TarsemLal resident of Mahindpur, Bittu son of Sonia resident of Ward No. 05 Balachaur and SomNath alias Bikko son of Mohinder Singh resident of Karawar is engaged in the business of supplying large quantities of heroin in different areas of Punjab by bringing the heroin from other statesthrough truck.On this information, FIR no. 138 dated 27-08-22 u/s 21/25/28-61-85 NDPS Act PS City Nawanshahrhas been registered by SI Surinder Singh CIA Staff ShahidBhagat Singh Nagar.
After registering the case FIR, SI Surinder Singh informed Shri Ranjit Singh PPS, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Sub Division Nawanshahr, who along with SI Surinder Singh and Police installed Nakabandi at Mahalon Bypass.
During the nakabandiwhen the police party signaled the truck number PB04V-6366 to stop, the truck driver stopped the truck and tried to run away but the police party caught him and also his accompliceBittu, from the truck. During search of the truck, 38 kg of heroin recovered which was hide under a tarpaulin was inthe tool box of said truck.
Arrested Accused :-
1. Kulwinder Ram alias Kinda son of TarsemLal resident of Mehndpur,PSBalachaur, District SBS Nagar
2. Bittu son of Sonia resident of Ward No. 05 Bhaddi road Balachaur PS City Balachaur, District SBS Nagar.
Accused yet to be arrested:-
1. Rajesh Kumar alias SonuKhatri son RoshanLal resident of RakkaraDhahan, PSBalachaur, District SBS Nagar
2. SomNath alias Bikko son of Mohinder Singh resident of Karawar,PSBalachaur, District SBS Nagar
1. 38 KG of Heroin
2. A truck no. PB 04 V 6366
During preliminary interrogation accused truck driver Kulwinder Ram alias Kindadiscloses that he had received a call from from Rajesh Kumar alias SonuKhatri through Telegram App and he(Rajesh Kumar @ SonuKhatri) asked him to bring heroin by truck from Bhuj, Gujarat. Kulwinder Ram alias Kinda further discloses that he went to the address given by Rajesh Kumar alias SonuKhatri, where a person whom he did not know came and loaded the heroin into his vehicle. He was to deliver this heroin to the person mentioned by Rajesh Kumar alias SonuKhatri. During the investigation, Kulwinder Ram alias Kindaalso disclosed that earlier on the instruction of Rajesh Kumar alias SonuKhatri, he had brought 10 kg and then 20 kg heroin from Srinagar Udi in the month of January and a person had taken that heroin from him as told by Rajesh Kumar alias SonuKhatri. Apart from this, he had brought 01 kg of heroin from Delhi this year and he had given that heroin to the persons mentioned by Rajesh Kumar alias SonuKhatri. Accused Rajesh Kumar alias SonuKhatri and SomNath alias Bikko are yet to be arrested.
Rajesh Kumar alias SonuKhatri, who is a professional criminal, has registered the following 19 cases of murder, hurt, illegal activities, forgery, NDPS Act and Excise Act against him. Furthermore, A case FIR regarding 3.45 Quintal Poppy Husk was registered against Accused Kulwinder Ram alias Kundain PS Noormehal, in which was convicted and sentenced for imprisonment of 10 years.
Sr no. Accused FIRs Registered
1.Rajesh Kumar @
SonuKhatri S/o
RoshanLal R/o
RakranDhahan PS
BalachaurDistt. SBS Nagar
1. FIR NO. 22 DATE 11-2-04 U/S 324,323,341,148,149 IPC
2. FIR NO... 23 DATE 11-2-04 U/S 324,323,341,148.149 IPC
3. FIR NO. 147 DATE 11-9-03 U/S 323,324,326,341,34 IPC
4. FIR NO. 70 DATE 14.07.2014 U/S 160 IPC PS
BALACHAUR (Con. 02.06.15)
5. FIR NO. 07 DATE 18-1-15 U/S 307,324,326,148,149 IPC
,25-54-59A ACT PS BALACHAUR (Acq. 12.09.18)
6. FIR NO. 8 DATE 12-2-05 U/S 323,341,34 IPC PS BLC,
(Acq. 17.09.18)
7. FIR NO. 26 DATE23-3-15 U/S 25-54-59A ACT PS BLC,
(Under Trail)
8. FIR NO. 122 DATE 1-9-16 U/S
323,324,427,506,148,149,325 ,326IPC PS BLC (Fir Quesh)
9. FIR NO. 163 DATE 16-11-16 U/S 452,427,506,148,149IPC
,25-54-59A ACT PS BLC (TC 18.3.17)
10. Fir no.47 Dt. 26.04.18 U/S 61-1-14 EX. Act. Ps Kathgarh
(Under Trail)
11. FIR No. 48 date 10.05.18 u/s 61-01-14 PS Sadar
Nawanshahr (TC 19.12.18)
12. FIR NO. 63 Dt.06.05.2019 U/S 61-1-14 Ex. Act PS Rahon
(Under Trail)
13. FIR no. 82 DT. 28-05-2019 U/S
307,326,324,323,336,506,148,149,120-B IPC AND 25
14. FIR NO. 84 DT 19-11-19 U/S 307,427,34 IPC PS AUR
(Under Trail)
15. FIR NO. 35 DT. 17-2-2020 U/S 307,506,148,149,120 IPC
16. FIR no. 450 Dt. 02-10-2020 U/S 420,467,468,471,120-B IPC
and 12 Passport Act PS City TohanaDistt. Fatiabad Haryana
17. FIR NO. 34 DT. 28.03.22 U/S 302,148,149 IPC, AND 25-
54-59 ARMS ACT PS RAHON (Under Investigation)
18. FIR NO. 241 DT. 08-11-2021 U/S 3,4,5 EXPLOSIVE
SUBSTANCES ACT 1908, 307,427,120-B IPC,
13,16,17,18,18-B, 20 UAP ACT 1967 PS CITY NSR
(Under Investigation)
19. FIR no. 21 Dated 09.02.2022U/S 3,4,5 Explosive Substances
Act 1908 PS NurpurBediDistt. Roop Nagar (Under
20. FIR no. 138 Dt. 27-08-2022 U/S 21,25,29-61-1985 NDPS
Act PS City Nawanshahar
2. Kulwinder Ram @
Kinda S/o Tersem R/o
Mehandpur PS Balachaur
1 FIR no. 97 Dt. 10-11-2015 U/s 15-61-1985 NDPS Act PS Noor
MehalDistt Jalandhar
2. FIR no. 251 Dt. 15-10-2021 U/s 279,337,304-A PS QazigundDitt.
Anantnag J&K
3. FIR no. 138 Dt. 27-08-2022 U/S 21,25,29-61-1985 NDPS Act PS
City Nawanshahar