1. Every year, August 13th is celebrated as World Organ Donation Day to create awareness about organ donation. The Department of Urology and Renal Transplantation and Department of Nephrology,AIIMS Bathinda in mutual collaboration conducted a CME to celebrate“World Organ Donation Day” in AIIMS Bathinda at Auditorium Hall of AIIMS Bathinda.
2. This CME was inaugurated by Executive Director Prof. (Dr.) D.K.Singh and Senior faculty with Saraswati Vandana. Dr. Kawaljit Singh Kaura, Associate Professor, Department of Urology (AIIMS Bathinda)welcomed Chief Guest, guest speakers from various apex healthcare institutes and faculty members and staff of AIIMS Bathinda.
3. Dr. PB Singh, Ex HoD- Deptt, of Urology, BHU Varanasi - highlighted the various challenges faced for starting the Kidney Transplant Programme in govt. setup”.Dr. Neeraj Inamdar, Senior Consultant, Nephrology, (Dr. Hedgewar Hospital, Aurangabad) - discussed the “Preparatory steps in Live & Cadaveric Transplantation- from Nephrologist Perspective”.
Dr. Anup Kumar, Prof. & HoD, Urology (VMMS, Safdarjung Hospital)- discussed the “Preparatory steps in Live & Cadaveric Transplantation - from Urologist Perspective”Dr. Gargi Kapatia, Assistant Professor, department of Pathology(AIIMS Bathinda)- presented the preparations of Pathology deptt on setting up the “Immunopathology lab”.
Dr. Rajneesh Sahai, Director (NOTTO)- Congratulated the Deptt of Urology & Nephrology of AIIMS Bathinda and expressed his desire of granting SOTTO (state organ & tissue transplant organization) status to AIIMS Bathinda.
4. Dr. (Prof.) D.K. Singh thanked Chief Guest & Guest Speakers following which momentos and certification were distributed to presented members.